
Please God... Don't Fail Me Now

I'm a constant worrier... I know I know... This isn't the time to worry. But, I can't help it... I am...
I'm worried about my antral follicle count. I'm not sure how much clout I should put into it. I asked the Nurse today while she was taking my blood for my E2 levels. She told me not to worry until I hear the results of my next ultrasound, which is Tuesday. She said that since I haven't been stimming a lower number isn't out of the ordinary. I hope she is right.

I'm now worried about my E2 levels. The on-call RE called with my results and informed me that they are at 55 (after 3 days of stimming). It sounds kinda low to me and I didn't really think enough to ask more. They want me to come back in Tuesday for a followup ultrasound. AF ended yesterday, so I'm not sure if this could have played a part in the low number or not. But I'm really hoping that things are looking good Tuesday and that we're going to be on our way to a completed IVF cycle. I'm hoping that more antral follicles are popping up.

I'm pretty confident that perhaps they will be upping my meds. I understand that they like to be cautious with PCO patients, but I don't have the time or the money to for them to be overly cautious. I will need to stress my concern with low numbers and hope that they up my meds. We shall see...


Echloe said...

Good luck with everything. I'm sure your RE will give the right med cocktail so that you stim successfully. You don't want to end up with OHSS so be happy that your E2 levels are starting out low. You have plenty of time for it to increase. I remember my meds changed with every blood draw. It was crazy.

Oh and thanks for your comment on my blog. I don't think I can possible give up everything. It is making me crazy. I just miss eating cheese too much. And I'm too lazy to start the gluten thing now. Maybe if my next cycle doesn't work I'll try it. But for now I'm just going to be chill about food. I have enough to worry about.

Furrow said...

I've had a worrisome month, myself. I hope you get the meds right and can move forward this month.

My Endo Journey said...

I am a worrier too. I hope it goes well! I am not familiar with all the counts...they never really told me all those counts. They just said they were good or not. Or maybe I didn't pay attention. I am kinda ADD too ;)

Sending good vibes your way!

Melissa G said...

Worrying is part of the package, and its hard to get away from that while you are knee deep in your cycle. I don't have any information on your E2 levels, but I can say that I recommend asking for a conference call with your RE.

Hang in there!