

Rick and I went to our first RESOLVE meeting last week. To make a long story short we had such a wonderful time. Everyone had stories to share. Everyone understood exactly where the other was coming from. It was so reassuring and comforting to sit in a room with people who absolutely understood us.

This past weekend we were actually invited out to dinner with our new group of friends. And we felt like we had known them for years. It was great. 5 couples sharing stories, laughs and udnerstanding.

I highly recommend that if you don't already belong to a RESOLVE group that you find one in your area and go.


Melissa G said...

I'm so thrilled to hear you found some local support. I know how different it feels to talk to someone who really knows.

I live near San Francisco and surprisingly the closest RESOLVE meeting is two hours away on a Monday night. Blehhhk. Fortunately I've been able to hang out with at least one local blogger, and you're absolutely right. The moment I sat down, I felt like I had known her forever.

Let the healing begin.


Anonymous said...

I am so glad you had such a great time. When I was in the waiting room at my RE's office I read one of Resolve's newsletter things. It sounded neat. I may have to check it out.


WannabeMommy said...

Hi there.... I went to some Resolve meetings a few years back and hated them. They just seemed so sad and desparate. At least half the group left in tears every week. I'm glad you had a great Resolve experience; maybe I should try it again, but like Melissa G. I'm in the SF bay area and i guess they are hard to come by these days....

Anonymous said...

How wonderful to meet new friends and have all that support. I hope your journey becomes easier!

Happy ICLW