
Infertility Counseling 101

I must first say that I highly recommend Infertility Counseling to any and all couples experiencing infertility. I know that I've felt more free since speaking to someone. But, what I enjoy most is the information that I get out of my husband. He talks more. He's more open. It's wonderful. For those few small things, I am grateful. I think that we understand each other a little better now. I think that he finally knows that I really value his thoughts and opinions. After all, this is our journey.

Rick and I are going to start going to RESOLVE meetings. They meet once a month, so our first meeting is this upcoming Wednesday. I'm excited yet nervous at the same time. I kind of envision this like an AA meeting. 'Hi, I'm Kerri and this is my husband, Rick... and I'm broken..." Then the whole crowd responds with "Hi Kerri."

Now that we've ventured into the world of donors, it's a conversation that we've touched a couple times but not completely yet. I've been researching donor eggs for months. I don't know why. I guess part of me has been preparing myself that this might be the route we go. I know that I've been a "poor responder" since we started our IUI's. And, I've always known that this journey would not be easy. It was one of the first things I told my husband about when we started talking about marriage when we were dating. He loves me anyway... :)

I've become a huge advocate of counseling in just the short amount of time we've been going. It's been a wonderful portal for both me and Rick. We've been able to talk about things that we might not have thought about. We've been able to voice concerns that we might not have been able to say to one another. As devastating a journey as it has been, I'm so proud and blessed that we've come through this stronger. We know that where ever our journey leads us, we'll go through it together.


Jaymee said...

i have a huge fan of counseling. it is a wonderful thing, and with something as emotionally charged as IF, i believe it is essential.

Lori LeRoy said...

After five years of TTC, I just went to my first Resolve meeting a few months ago and found out how wonderful they are.

It can be a bit nerve-wracking at first, but at least in our group, the women were so warm and welcoming that it was easy to talk and get advice.