
7 Words No One Wants to Hear

We. Might. Have. To. Cancel. Your. IVF.

WTF?!? These are the words that we heard today. While my RE found 11 follicles which was a large improvement from the 6 on Friday only 2 of them pretty much had any chance of becoming fully mature. RE sat back and explained his frustration with my cycle. He suggested that we convert to an IUI. He admittedly stated that I needed to be on a higher dosage of meds if and when we go attempt another IVF. He knows how upset we are. We've spent so much time and money this cycle not to mention the emotional aspect.

Right now the plan is to stay on the same dose of meds until Wednesday. Go back Wednesday morning for another E2 check and scan and hopefully be able to trigger for another IUI Thursday or Friday. Hoping for Friday to go back that way I can have a nice 3 day weekend.

I spent my day crying. I could barely contain myself . I'm shocked I was able to make it through the day. I know that it might sound over the top and highly dramatic seeing as we aren't totally cancelled for this cycle, but this has officially become the most expensive IUI in history...


Sally said...

I understand the tears, the sadness & disappointment - my first IVF was cancelled Sunday due to poor response (only 2 follicles!). Try to hang in there .. I know I am (barely). :)

Melissa G said...

You are NOT over reacting. I don't blame you one bit for being upset. I am so sorry. After everything us IFer's have been through, it natural that any bump in the road seems cataclysmic. But try to keep your head up, If things do resort to an IUI at least there is still a chance at a BPF.

UGH. That just sucks.


Banana Pancakes said...

CRAP! That sucks girl, I am so sorry. Maybe your eggies are procrastinators... I'll keep hoping for you sister. *hugs*

Tina said...

::hugs:: I love you!! Sorry it's such a rough go!

Billy said...

That is so frustrating, and yes, not words one wants to hear.
I do wish you a successful IUI.

Lori LeRoy said...

Just found your blog through ICLW. My fingers are crossed that those eggs will change their minds. No one ever told us it would be so hard to get pregnant. My mom used to scare me into thinking I could get prego by shaking a boy's hand!