What a relief that was... But now... several hurdles down... a mile more to go! Tomorrow we should hear out of the 4 how many divided. Hopefully all 4 divided. That would be the best blessing.
As of this morning... this is what our babies looked like... Cute little one celled zygotes.
The waiting for tomorrows phone call will be sheer torture.
Please God, protect our babies... let them thrive and grow!!
Happy ICLW!
Praying all four are diving nicely and you receive GREAT news! Sending you lots of good juju!
Wishing you have a good run all the way! All the very best!
Yay on 4 fertilizing! That's great news!!
Here from ICLW! Super news on the 4 eggies! I've visited a couple of blogs where folks are transferring right around now..I hope for the very best today (the phone call) and tomorrow (your transfer). Everything's crossed!
So glad to hear about your four embies!!!!
Hoping you'll hear good news soon!
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